
Angelina Pivarnick Quotes

Life is short but love your loved ones. Love them, kiss them every day because you don't know what's going to happen. - Angelina Pivarnick I l

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Birthday invitation

Life is short but love your loved ones. Love them, kiss them every day because you don’t know what’s going to happen. – Angelina Pivarnick

I love gay people. I have a lot of friends that are gay. If you want to date each other, fine. We’ll see how it works. But in the end, they should really go and marry the other type.
Angelina Pivarnick

I say what I feel. I say what’s on my mind, but that’s who I am. I’ve always been like that.
Angelina Pivarnick

I’m a wild card.
Angelina Pivarnick

I think I have a good voice.
Angelina Pivarnick

I am so excited about becoming a wife and having kids.
Angelina Pivarnick

I’m very genuine to who I am, and I’m sorry if people don’t like me now.
Angelina Pivarnick

I would love to fight Snooki in the ring. Bring it on.
Angelina Pivarnick

It’s hysterical that I’m going to marry a garbage man.
Angelina Pivarnick

I like to eat crazy stuff at three o’clock in the morning.
Angelina Pivarnick

No offense to kids who have kids, but, ugh, I don’t need that.
Angelina Pivarnick

I never really loved Pauly D. ever.
Angelina Pivarnick

I wouldn’t want anyone to tell me that I couldn’t marry the person I loved, and I don’t want to do that to anyone else regardless of sexual orientation.
Angelina Pivarnick

God did not intend people to be gay.
Angelina Pivarnick

I’m kind of living my life, and I feel like I’m still young, I’m 34… I’m just enjoying married life and trying to deal with this COVID thing.
Angelina Pivarnick

I do cardio.
Angelina Pivarnick

The lies about me kissing ’24’ are so upsetting because this is something that has really been taking a toll on me, my fiance and my relationship.
Angelina Pivarnick

My weave was not cheap and if I’m willing to destroy my weave for you, that shows you I’m trying to be girls with you.
Angelina Pivarnick

I wasn’t happy with my body and I knew I had to do something to make myself feel better. I was looking at myself in the mirror with agony, and I know a lot of women out there feel the same way.
Angelina Pivarnick

Mike ‘The Situation’ Sorrentino called me a dirty hamster, but I cleaned that house up and down!
Angelina Pivarnick

This is my third engagement. Third time’s a charm!
Angelina Pivarnick

I’m really not a bad person.
Angelina Pivarnick

I was very insecure with my body because of my weight loss from the first two seasons of ‘Jersey Shore.’
Angelina Pivarnick

I was definitely bullied, basically. I was definitely the person that everybody blamed for everything.
Angelina Pivarnick

I like the nice, like, you know, good job, good head on his shoulders, good looking type guy.
Angelina Pivarnick

I am working on getting the word out about the different ways that everyone can contribute to the ASPCA, and help the animals live a happy and healthy life.
Angelina Pivarnick

I only canceled my social media because I was told to.
Angelina Pivarnick

I don’t do squats.
Angelina Pivarnick

I was really scared to get my boobs done. Having injections is easy peasy, but going under the knife, like that was my first time ever.
Angelina Pivarnick

I’m outgoing and friendly and usually get along with everybody.
Angelina Pivarnick

I am human and I have cellulite like many people.
Angelina Pivarnick

I think other people like me can have their minds changed once they meet gay couples and families. We shouldn’t ban love or marriage for a happy couple. That is un-American!
Angelina Pivarnick

My family, growing up, we really didn’t have tradition because my parents divorced when I was 11.
Angelina Pivarnick

I really can’t lift weights because my back is injured from being an EMT.
Angelina Pivarnick

I’m not one to keep my mouth shut!
Angelina Pivarnick

I found olive oil and grated cheese all over my bed. I picked up my comforter, and it was on my sheets, my pillow.
Angelina Pivarnick

I was bullied to the fullest sense.
Angelina Pivarnick

I’ve been struggling with depression due to a lot going on in my life. And sometimes it doesn’t even have to be anything, I just get depressed out of nowhere.
Angelina Pivarnick

I am a new Angelina, and I am happy America has seen the real me.
Angelina Pivarnick

I’m a bartender. I do, like, great things.
Angelina Pivarnick

DMX is mad cool.
Angelina Pivarnick

I’m not a malicious person.
Angelina Pivarnick

I’m not gonna change for anyone. I think people should understand me for that.
Angelina Pivarnick

I say if a woman wants to get plastic surgery, go for it.
Angelina Pivarnick

I’m actually funny in real life.
Angelina Pivarnick

As many of you know, I have a dog, Peanut who is my love. She really got me thinking about what I could do to help, and animal rights are definitely something I want the world to care about!
Angelina Pivarnick

I’m never going to lie to the fans or anybody that’s going to DM me. I’m going to be honest. And that’s really how I want to be forever.
Angelina Pivarnick

A, if you wanna be an actor, you don’t pose for paparazzi.
Angelina Pivarnick

I’m starting to understand that no one should be denied the chance at happiness that marriage brings.
Angelina Pivarnick

I don’t think gays that should be married.
Angelina Pivarnick

I’m living day by day. I’m not trying to the think about the past.
Angelina Pivarnick

Like all women, I am entitled to be treated with dignity and respect at work.
Angelina Pivarnick

I wake up in the morning, I’ll take a Boom Bod packet, you put it in the water, you mix it, you drink it. Then I’ll either have a 310 Nutrition shake or I’ll have a really light breakfast.
Angelina Pivarnick

I’m not going to sit there and be a doormat, you know what I mean?
Angelina Pivarnick

I see a therapist, I cry a lot.
Angelina Pivarnick

I was very insecure with the dresses I would have to wear to red carpet events.
Angelina Pivarnick

I tore my whole back, and I was never the same.
Angelina Pivarnick

Forever I’ve wanted to help people, so I decided to go to school and do it.
Angelina Pivarnick

To have depression, it’s such an uphill battle and I feel for everyone that has it because it’s hard to have it.
Angelina Pivarnick

I sleep at 6 P. M. most nights from depression.
Angelina Pivarnick