25 Qualities the World’s Worst Managers Have in Common


25 Qualities the World’s Worst Managers Have in Common

We've all been there manager, boss or team leader that could have been the top choice in competitions for the most unprofessional managers on the plan

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We’ve all been there manager, boss or team leader that could have been the top choice in competitions for the most unprofessional managers on the planet. What is it that makes them terrible? There are many characteristics that the most shady bosses have in common.

One of these qualities is that they do not think of themselves as an unprofessional boss. They believe they’re doing a good job. If you’re an employee or manager I would suggest that you take a look at the following list of characteristics with an open mind and consider whether you think any of these traits could be yours, and whether you’ll strive to improve.

The World’s Worst Managers:

  1. Don’t communicate. It is generally thought to be among the worst things that a boss can do. When you can, be honest and transparent with your employees.
  2. Narcissism is a problem that many suffer from. When you have bad bosses they are all about the employees’ work affects them, how someone’s issues or success will affect their work. There’s no “I” in the team, there are peopleand that’s the case for bosses as well!
  3. Manage their teams micro-scopically. Some bosses require control over all aspects of their team’s work. If you aren’t able in letting your staff function independently it’s time to decide if you want to even have a team.
  4. Do not play with your favorite players. It’s possible to be on good than those in the workplace, however inside, it’s crucial to be fair to everyone.
  5. Aren’t clear on (or shifting) expectations that are unclear or changing. If the manager isn’t aware or explain what expectations are expected from the employee, how will the employee ever meet the expectations?
  6. Make fear a motivational tool. If your objective as a manager is to cause your employees to be afraid of the boss, you’re doing things wrong. There’s no need to resort to intimidation or fear to get things done.
  7. Or get angry. We all get annoyed and angry every now and then and that’s perfectly normal. It’s not normal to act as if there’s a link between the frequency of your vocalization and your team’s revenue figures.
  8. Can’t make a decision. As a leader of a team you’re in the to make tough choices; if you cannot decide on what to eat for lunch or even the direction that the company or team should go into, then there’s an issue.
  9. Give credit to successes that aren’t their own. Have you ever found out that your boss was taking credit for your ideas or work? That’s not feeling great at all. Do not do it.
  10. The team is to blame for the failings. This is often the reverse aspect of a manager who is credited for the positive aspects of his job, but blames the team for his failings and errors.
  11. Manage up. The phrase “managing up” means that one spends all of the time striving to appear nice before them as their boss, but to the expense of their team. A great manager has all the interests of his team in mind and not only his own.
  12. Never be ashamed or admit to an error. A good manager will admit that they’re wrong but a bad one never admits to mistakes.
  13. Refrain from against change. Managers who do not want to change the way things are conducted can bring entire companies and teams down by their outdated concepts or methods.
  14. Do not acknowledge your accomplishments. Perhaps they don’t take the credit for your achievements however they don’t offer a single pat for a job well done or “good job,” either. This is a huge blow to team morale.
  15. They are not able to motivate their team. They are unable to inspire their employees and can have high turnover within their teams.
  16. It’s easy to disappear whenever there’s work to get completed. They’re the bosses who are most of the time in the office sipping an iced tea “managing” everyone. But they disappear in the nick of time when work needs to be completed.
  17. Aren’t available when problems occur. The phrase that is used to describe them is “Don’t bring me problems, bring me solutions!” These bosses aren’t available to assist an employee when difficulties arise.
  18. Vision isn’t there. If the leader isn’t clear or direction, the team suffers which can be extremely frustrating for one of the team members.
  19. Do not believe everything they say. The bosses might congratulate you with a smile but you are sure in your heart that they aren’t really saying it. It’s not safe to trust them completely.
  20. Expectations that are unrealistic. It’s acceptable to create specific guidelines for what should be expected of employees, however, sometimes these expectations can be completely unrealistic. A great manager is aware of not only what is desired however, but also what is achievable.
  21. Focused solely only on work. They wouldn’t be able to grasp the concept of balance between work and life when it was thrown on their laps. They aren’t able to live beyond work, as they expect employees of theirs to do the same.
  22. Tolerate mediocrity. As bad as attempting the impossible , is the manager who accepts mediocrity, or even worse. If one member of the team can do whatever they want and the rest of the team is able to carry the same weight then it’s likely to result in anger.
  23. Manipulate. Managements that play one employee off of another, or who dangle carrots and constantly threaten sticks aren’t actually leading They’re manipulating.
  24. You may have a vengeful streak. Beware of the employee who doesn’t agree with the manager. A bad manager will demand that the employee “pay” for any perceived wrong.
  25. Utilize shame and humiliation. The most unprofessional bosses will publicly shame or humiliate employees as a motivational tactic , either for themselves or for the entire team. It’s never effective.

If you recognize your own self in one of the above behaviors Don’t be afraid! You can transform and become an excellent leader. All you need is a bit of self-knowledge, and the determination to make the change.

As always, I’m eager to hear your thoughts Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.